Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Vicious Causerie

Vicious Causerie
© Sabari Ganesh; “All Rights Reserved”
            The volition of mankind to categorize good from evil; and the incisive ability to precise communication are the bivalent bedrock upon which has luxuriated the human race. The accompaniment is the knack to utilise the assets and abilities as tools to development that has guaranteed exceptional efflorescence and edification. The denouement is the blossoming of each individual as a powerhouse with a potpourri of skills and expertise to be utilised for the constructive development and progress of humanity.
            The deep-seated inimitable quality that secerns man from every other life form on earth is the facility to communication propelled by a legion of languages. However, it is the incontrovertible dictum of nature that any merit transmogrifies antagonistic to purpose upon traversing the sensible limits. Communication as a tool to development, through exchange of estimations and experience, to benefit the entire human race gets tweaked upon cavalier conduct and misuse.
            The activities and attempts of every ordinary human is propelled by senses and sensual pleasures. The extraneous flow of senses coupled with the innate impulse to lethargy and leisure has a sacrilegious shock on the rational and ethical stature of human activities. The result is communication among people being ripped off its morale; which, twinned with the extraneous flow of senses transmutes as idle and irresponsible confabulation and palaver on every unconcerned aspect.         
            The maunder conversations that sans obligation and objective is innocuous as long as the subject of discussion is value neutral. However, the expense of time and energy spent in vagabond natter results in the loss of utile man hours and productivity. Ever since the sophistication of communication among humans, vagrant schmoose has remained a tool to socialisation and acculturation. The exchange of sentiments and suasions within an unceremonious assemblage elevates the disposition of the psychologically subjugated.
              Tarradiddle is a seditious and subversive form of attack by the debile and decrepit on the ceremoniously accomplished. Inherently democratic; motivated by malice and fury of impotence, building muscle upon the power of information is salacious barren gratification rollicked at the expense of the productive and prosperous. Psychologically, communed dissident whimsy on those in absentia might seem to aid social bonding; however it is the credibility of the parties involved that is sacrificed.
            In an organisation, causerie among employees is an indication of failure of corporate governance initiatives and lack of an integrated, structured, open communication channel. The evident aftermath of chin-wagging is the breakdown of trust in the minds of the employees to function as a team ensuring productivity, and also on the precepts of the management. The resultant conflicts and its associated arbitrations would chew up the productive man-hours of workforce; creating an environment of stress and ambiguity.
            However, history evidence an interesting element of utility in the origin of tattletale; as an effective attention grabber of the lady undergoing the trauma of child-birth. Also, the claver among people on one's experience in a company's product or service has a decisive and critical impact on demand; irrespective and immaterial of the product specifications or services. In short, chaffer on people or products is a kind of storyline which in its naïve form is a link between cause and consequence.
            The impracticality of scrapping story-mongering among people owing to their natural instincts; the Dharmasastras have effectively channelised this obstinacy with structured narration of tales on the divine. Moreover, every religion cautions people to refrain from gabbing - the eight fold path to enlightenment in Buddhism warns that gossip is contrary to the concept of right speech. So is the case with Islamic texts too that forbid man from dishing. The following quotes from the Bible are instances that proscribe humans from jawing -
“You shall not go about as a talebearer among your people.” - Leviticus 19:16
“An ungodly man digs up evil, and it is on his lips like a burning fire.” - Proverbs 16:27
“The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly” - Proverbs 18:8
“If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless” - James 1:26
"For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned." - Matthew 12:36
            The prima facie attraction for media gossip; and sensationalistic press is the inherent entertainment factor propelled by curiosity evoked to ensure survival; belies ethics, morals and principles; hence cheap. However, biographies on eminent personalities though deal with their personal life are esteemed, as the narratives are corroborated with hard facts and substantial evidence. The general illation on hoi polloi committing to idle talk is the acceptance of one's inability to induce motivating consultations that rely on cognition.
            In any case, being the subject or participant of chaffering effaces productivity and sensibility. The preeminent technique to avoid gossipmongers is engaging oneself in creative absorptions that would enhance the professional and/or the personal self. Developing the practice and custom of conversations based on authenticity and factuality would annihilate the interest of the tattler. Besides, exfoliating an atmosphere of positive attitude and temperament would result in a natural cessation of vicious causerie.
            The lack of rationale in divulging unnecessary and gratuitous information on one's own personal or contained events is the thriving medium of scuttlebutt. Hence limiting conversations based on essentiality is prudence. An ethical culture and transparent forum of communication would ensure the eradication of vaunting and deplorable idle talk in an organisation. Implementing a transpicuous and scientific method of evaluating professionals based on documentary evidence of performance would obliterate furphy.
            In conclusion, owing to the ubiquitous stature of gossip and the natural tendency of humans to tittle-tattle; the act and focus of the sagacious and sapient is to trivialize shooting the breeze to the extent possible. Long live Gossip - the invincible otiose art!

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Personal Branding

Personal Branding
© Sabari Ganesh; “All Rights Reserved”
            Planet earth has witnessed multitude variety of life forms even before the existence of humans. The phenomenal success of humans in achieving rapid development, evolution and edification could not be met by any other. The ability of man to unite and function as a huddle is the unique substratum of refinement. Propelled by the incisive ability to precise communication, the fundamental attribute is the focus to create value for the entire team. Distinguished efforts of man along this sphere of activity are now termed Personal Branding.
            The primal requisite to any effort on personal branding is the psychological aptness to consecrate the resources within one’s reach and command in the betterment of others. Contemplated efforts to position one’s professional and personal self as unique as possible in the light of positive value addition to the society observes the advent of personal branding. The palpable result is the identification and development of specific qualities and virtuosities in oneself as potential secernments amidst competition to elevate positive identity of worth and regard in the guild.
            An ingrained professional and personal individuation instilling perceptions of prominence, based on skills with a chiselled utility to the target segment of the social club open up the doors to constructive considerations. Consequence is inspiriting sensible professional sympathies amidst huddlers to focus upon progress and development of every entity concerned. On the personal front, consolidation of core competencies in a professional to sync with the nature of the person confers psychological contentment and economic success.
The effort of branding a person is inevitable and predictable. Calculated efforts initiated by the person proactively would grant a more positive brand image, than to remain profligately branded by the social circle depending upon the raffish perceptions of one’s psyche, behaviour and routine. Elements of branding include an engaging peripheral manifestation of personality; ruminated intents and aspirations that accord to one’s sketch of activities; the instinctive and evolved endowments, acquisitions and competencies that collectively demonstrate a unique value proposition to escalate the positive impression in the minds of the audience.
The chartered trajectory of personal branding is the ability to create a meaningful link of relevance with the audience; while remaining focused on one’s own value system. The blatant fact remains that the act and effort of branding oneself is no surrogacy to incompetency or a deviant itinerary to accomplish goals. The success of personal branding efforts is directly proportional to the establishment of trust, significance and relevance in the minds of the prospects. The critical element of success in branding oneself is to remain authentic to the real person that one is naturally, than designing an imaginary illusion of perceptions in the minds of the audience.
            Harnessing the trust and conviction of the professional circle in one’s abilities through efforts of personal branding is a double-edged sword that could prove to be sinisterly obnoxious if the projected image is deliberate, sly, shallow and larger than life. The essentiality of the appropriateness of the projected image to sync with the real person and professional; as well as the market with regard to the values and benefits shall provide a phenomenal impetus to the professional. Relevance of values and skills to the dynamics of the demand of the market is a preemptive requisite.
            Personal branding efforts of any kind are dynamic in nature so as to remain pertinent in the dissertation of the deepening dynamics that decree and determine demand. It is hence an imperative precondition to remain updated on the a la mode emerging trends in one’s industry or diligence. Advancement of associated adapted adeptness ameliorating professionalism that sync with demand and apperceived appraise ascertains one’s authenticity. The result is an incisive voluble content that broaches a momentous conversation stimulating sensible and sensitive professional affinity.
            Personal branding delves rich and thick as one's professional focus and promise of performance vouching aspirational growth and integrative progress. The use of genuine communication and legitimate substantiation is a fundamental ingredient. Also, the proliferation of communication platforms demand ineluctable astuteness in a professional on the choice of the appropriate medium and type of communication that would exploit the reach to one's professional guild. The resultant is a positive reinforcement on the demand authors to focus on the creation of a fertile and prolific substratum of mutual betterment and furtherance.
            The precision in presentation and persuasion pleaching positive stimulants effectively trivialises the rate of errors and trials, to collective success thereby providing prodigious progress and prosperity. Actuation of personal branding efforts is the choice and development of skills and passion that complement the assortment and add positively to the professional whole kit. However, the inevitable confinement of the professional to a certain degree of specificity demands an unambiguous synchrony between the natural person upon which the professional has been engraved.
            The act of personal branding is a conscientious art that would effectively escalate a professional to leadership levels, if adequately supplemented by sensible interpersonal skills and appropriate societal behaviour. Personal branding is here to stay in supremacy owing to the shrinking of the world as one global village and borderless movement of talent and treasury. The success of a professional shall soon be determined by the level of commitment and determination in one's efforts to personal branding. The defined future!